Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I am having an affair!

Yes, it's true, while I have been incapacitated with the knee I have fallen in love! It's about 9 inches long & 6 inches wide and it's black and keeping me very satisfied!
No, its not what you may think, but it is a toy - it's my new IPad! I have officially out-geeked myself and I am head over heels in love!

From the comfort of my recliner chair I can surf the net, answer my email, order online screen covers for my IPad for $2.78 a pair (what a bargain as that includes postage) on E-bay from China! I can listen to my 15 gig of music or listen to an audiobook, or now I can read an e-book. I can catch up on Facebook - in fact the only thing it won't do is put the kettle on and make a cuppa - thank god David has not become totally redundant! Seriously, he is doing a great job keeping this woman in her chair after recovering from Manflu and stepping into carer mode - ain't love grand!

On a land related matter I heard today that Linda has told our builder he can get onsite to do soil tests in a couple of weeks - one little step forward for us.


Raelene said...

I just spat my coke EVERYWHERE reading that first paragraph. Bahahahaha. Funny J :)

Debra said...

Janine you need to get out more....best make a date for the weekend, says the the 'lacky noggin maker'!!